Letters from letters to (LL) - Bonnefanten museum
Please, don’t
Please, I can’t be tempted to jump into the unknown like that. Choice, as a word, as a title, already leads to an abyssal feeling; as a title it is already a place where thoughts come to inhabit only to therein be dissolved, as Adorno would say. I’m scared of the dark. I’m scared of being dissolved. But since I don’t have the choice, do I get to choose between knowing and forgetting?
Man=flesh/Woman=flesh - Candy
Untitled (Cinema Shadow),
Sobre a profecia apocalíptica Yanomami de que o céu e suas divindades caiam sobre a terra com o peso do fim
Diga a ela que eu volto amanhã de manhã
Diga a ela que eu volto amanhã de manhã
Diga a ela que eu volto amanhã de manhã
Diga a ela que eu volto amanhã de manhã
Something is happening to him[dc1] . He is alone in an isolated
house. Hallucinations, conversations with imaginary characters
and objects. The place has a blind spot: a room full of objects.
Tomorrow, vai ser bacana, bacana, bacana
not [F2] cinema[dc3] , maybe reality, not theatre, not installation, maybe fiction, not performance, unspecified.
Yellow-green green-yellow Mr. Sganzerla
Yellow-green green-yellow Mr. Sganzerla wow wow wow
Sobre a paralisia infantil
Sobre a delinquência juvenil
Que caia um javali de unhas pink descascadas e mega hair sobre a terra com o peso do fim